Today marks the one year anniversary of Prince’s passing. Considered one of the most innovative musicians ever, his catalogue of music has inspired many musicians and will continue to. Here’s a pretty cool (and rare) clip of Prince, James Brown, and Michael Jackson on stage at once. Prince showing off his guitar skills


Also unfortunate is the recent passing of Charlie Murphy. For those who don’t know, Charlie Murphy was Eddie Murphy’s brother. He appeared in a few movies alongside Eddie, and was thrust into the spotlight when he began telling his “True Hollywood Stories” on Chappelle’s Show. Not only were these stories hilarious, they usually involved pretty famous people like Rick James, and in the below instance, Prince. Enjoy Charlie Murphy’s version of that time he met Prince


Sad to think that both have passed away, but glad they both left us with music and laughs. Just for fun, here is another one of Charlie Murphy’s “True Hollywood Stories” this time involving Rick James